‘In honour preferring one another.’ Romans 12:10 KJV
Here is another important key to being blessed on the job: thoughtfulness. That’s true whether you’re the boss or the overnight security worker. The nameplate on your office door may say you deserve respect, but you have to earn it every day through your work ethic and your attitude.
In the Old Testament, most people earned their living by farming and raising cattle, so Solomon offers this advice: ‘Know well the condition of your flocks, and pay attention to your herds.’ (Proverbs 27:23 NASB) Good leaders make it their business to know the needs, strengths, weaknesses, potential, and motivational levels of those who work with them. As a result, employee sick time is reduced, morale improved, and quality and production go up.
Believe it or not, a pay increase isn’t always the best motivator. Sometimes your thoughtfulness, understanding, and interest in an employee is also a powerful motivator. Putting people down or taking them for granted just guarantees resentment. When you truly care about people, you try to bring out the best in them. And if you’re an employee, God promises, ‘Whoever protects their master will be honoured.’ (Proverbs 27:18 NIV) If you keep criticising those above you, those around you will begin to distrust you. Why? Because they know that at some point you will do the same to them! As long as you resent your position as a follower, you will never become qualified to be a leader. The Bible says you’re supposed to speak well of those in authority over you (see Titus 3:1 –2). Ask God to help you know if it’s time to speak up, or if you should hold your tongue and move on to another job. You will be blessed by first of all seeking to be a blessing.
SoulFood: Judg 7:1–9:33, Mark 7:1–13, Ps 119:105–112, Pro 18:10–12
Renungan Hari Ini [The Word for Today] is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©