Inspirasi Anda hari ini dari

Renungan Hari Ini


‘Tanba hanesan ema ida hanoin iha nia laran, nia mós hanesan’. Provérbiu 23:7 Saida maka haketak di'ak liu hosi sira seluk? Ita-boot hanoin ona kona-ba ida-ne'e? Saida maka haketak medalla osan-mean ida hosi medalla osan-mutin ida iha Olimpíada sira? Saida maka haketak emprezáriu susesu ida hosi ema ida ne'ebé la hetan susesu? Saida maka halo posivel ba ema ida atu aprende no buras hafoin halo sala ida enkuantu ema seluk rende de'it? Ne'e...

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Berita Dan Update Terbaru

Komunikadu Imprensa

Primeiru Ministru RDTL diriji reunian extraordenáriu Konselu Ministrus iha paláçio Guvernu kuarta 8 de Novembru 2023. Sorumutuk Konsellu Ministrus nian iha loron 8 fulan-novembru tinan 2023 Konsellu Ministrus hala’o sorumutuk iha Palásiu Governu, Dili, no hafoin halo...

Prezdiente Repúblika : Rejiliensia Ekonomia Hahú Husi Infraestrutura Estrada No Eletricidade Assesivel

Prezidente Repúblika Demokrátika Timor Leste DR. José Ramos Horta. Radio Voz Dili-- Repúblika Demokrátika Timor Leste DR. José Ramos Horta hatete, wainhira ko’alia kona ba ekonomia sustentavel no ekonomia rejiliente maka tenke ko’alia uluk ba konstrusaun estrada no...

Prezidente Ramos Horta : Timor Leste Asumi Moras Tuberculose Ás Iha Mundu

Prezidente Repúblika Demokrátika Timor Leste DR. José Ramos Horta. (foto: André Gusmão) Dili-- Prezidente Repúblika Demokrátika Timor Leste DR. José Ramos Horta hatete, Timor Leste nia Problema moras tuberculse ka TBC kontempla iha lista estatístika organizasaun...

PM Xanana Fiar Adezaun TL Sai Membru ASEAN Sei Atrai Investimentu no Hasa’e Ekonomia TL JAKARTA 04 Setembro 2023.

Primeiru-Ministru Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão agradese bele partisipa iha forum Association of Southeast Asian Nation (ASEAN) Business & Investment Summit 2023 ba dala-43 iha Jakarta-Indonézia. PM Xanana Fiar Adezaun TL Sai Membru ASEAN Sei Atrai Investimentu no Hasa’e...

Renungan Hari IniBlessing after Blessing

While the 2024 editions of Renungan Hari Ini  and The Word for Today have all run out, the 2025 editions will be available soon from us here at Radio Voz! 

So make sure you contact us today so you don’t miss out on your copy.

Have you considered helping others?

Your donation will mean that other people can also enjoy the blessing of having their own copy. That’s how we can make Renungan Hair Ini and The Word for Today available to everyone without charge.  You can donate in person, Bank deposit or securely online by Credit Card. Click here for details.

Thank you too for praying for our ministry


From the Love Timor Summit

Pastor Tomas Maia shared how he heard Radio Voz and it changed his life.

Living Today

Three Ways to Get Spiritually Refreshed

By Pastor Greg Laurie I love the word refresh. It’s such a perfect word to describe starting again or returning to something. In fact, we even use it as a computer term. Sometimes when I’m working on my computer, leave it for a while, and then come back, things freeze...

Feast of Trumpets – What We Learn As Christians

The End of the Age. What emotions does that statement provoke? It can be a controversial subject for God’s people. It’s a Biblical topic that many Christians find difficult to engage with. And there is no shortage of perspectives on how current events relate to...

How to Win Spiritual Battles

By Pastor Greg Laurie They have made God’s law their own, so they will never slip from His path. Psalm 37:31 NIV Have you ever noticed that when the Bible talks about spiritual armour, only one piece is an offensive weapon? This armour includes the belt of truth, the...


Iha liurai ida foin fila husi funu. Liurai nia kusineru sira prepara bebidus sira. Iha meza leten mos prepara copú sira ho modelù oin oin ho motif kapas kapas i furak furak. Liurai hare pembantu sira kaer copú sira nee i nia liu deit no nunca hakarak kona Copu sira...


HAHU RONA BAI-BAIN TOO SAI RONA NAIN NO IKUS SAI PASTOR Uluk antes hau Rona Radio Voz, hau ema ida nebee iha hahalok at tebes. Hau sempre tolok, odio ema, hau mos sempre hemu bebidas alkoholico ho kolegas oioin. Hau hahu Rona Radio Voz iha tinan 2011 no hau sei eskola...

Making Peace with Unfulfilled Dreams

As a kid, you had big hopes and dreams for your life. And then, reality set it. In this Focus on the Family video Chrystal Evans Hurst shares how she had to place her aspirations aside first, as a teenage single mother, then again later in life when she became the...

Trusting God in the hard times

Trusting God | Matt's story “I will turn their mourning into joy. I will comfort them and exchange their sorrow for rejoicing.” - Jer 31:13 God doesn’t promise that life will be easy, but He does promise that He’ll carry us through it and that His plans for us are...

Waiting on God

In his series Waiting on God, Pastor Jeff Vines challenges us to wait patiently on God when we don’t know what His will is. Most of us want God to open up the windows of heaven and pour out His blessings on us. But it is usually something specific that we have cried...

Where is God in All the Suffering?

The Australian Medical Association has predicted at least a 25% rise in the number of suicides in Australia over the next five years because of COVID-19. While we don't have figures for Timor-Leste it is true many in our nation are also struggling to understand the...

It Isn’t How You Start, But How You Finish

By: Pastor Greg Laurie In 2017 on New Year’s Eve in New York City, visitors to Times Square were encouraged to bring whatever they wanted out of their lives and throw it into a giant shredder. Some people shredded paper on which they had written unpleasant memories,...

Radio Voz is on air all across Dili on 89.4FM

Plus heard on low-powered stations in


Can’t tune in to our FM radio station?

While we don’t have our own live stream available just yet, you can listen now to our partner station Life FM- on air throughout the Asia Pacific region

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Your daily inspiration from

the word for today

The right attitude

‘For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.’ Proverbs 23:7 NKJV What separates the best from the rest? Have you ever given that some thought? What separates a gold medallist from a silver medallist in the Olympics? What separates a successful entrepreneur from someone who doesn’t make it? What makes it possible for one person to learn and flourish after making a mistake while someone else just...

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Changing Lives for Good

Your Favourite Music

Inspirational Teaching

Bringing Life to your day, everyday

Setel radio Anda keRadio Voz


Who is Jesus?

…and why do you need to meet Him personally?

Jesus said “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

So what does that mean for you today?

God is Changing Lives…

Iha lor, in 12 Maret 2020Iha ouvinte ida ho naran Amori husi Municipio Aileu,husu orasaun iha programasaun Voz Crista iha tempu kalan, asuntu orasaun konaba nia moras.

Liutiha loron hirak tuir mai, iha loron 16 Maret 2020, ouvinte ho naran Amori husi Aileu liga fila fali ON AIR iha Programasaun hanesan, Voz Cristan hodi agradese  ba Maromak tamba nia hetan kura ona husi moras ne’ebe mak nia iha (Hds)

Iha kalan ne’ebe hanesan, Dia 12 Maret 2020, iha programasaun Voz Cristan ouvinte ida seluk ne’ebe ho naran Jose Teme husi Atauro, husu orasaun ba nia oan nain rua ne’ebe sente tauk hela deit tamba sira foin lakon sira nia maun bot iha tempu balu ba kotuk (Mate), tan ne’e, aman ida ne’e mai ho nia pedidu orasaun ba nia oan sira.

Liu tiha loron hira nia laran, too iha Dia 16 Maret 2020, Senhor Jose Teme Telephone fali hodi fo gracas ba Aman Maromak tamba liuhsi orasaun iha momento ne’eba too loron hira nia laran, nia oan sira komesa rekopera fali ona, komesa la sente tan ona tauk (Hds)

Ovintes foun ida naran Merry Belina hela iha Delta 3, foin rona iha fulan 2 liu ba. Nia senti haksolok ho Radio Voz ho sharing / Refleksaun Maromak Nia Liafuan. Nia hatoo Obrigado barak ba team Radio Voz tamba bele sharing Maromak Nia Liafuan iha media ida nee. (Rr)


Ovintes ida naran Jaimitu nia sobre moras iha nia kakorok no inus ran no nia moras iha parte seluk (Moras mane nian ). Nia kontakto ON AIR bebeik iha Radio Voz iha programa nebe Rio lori. No ami halo orasaun kontinuamente too nia hetan kura duni husi Maromak. Nia hatoo Obrigado ba Maromak no team Radio Voz atas nama Rio. (Rr)


Have You Heard About

The Word for Today ?

It is available here in Timor-Leste just for you!
Make sure you reserve your copy

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United Christian Broadcasters

The UCB Family extends all around the world. Each ministry is independent but unified in our desire to reach Vanuatu and the nations of the world through Christian media.

Find out more at UCB International’s website or by clicking on the links below.

Your Team

Thank you for praying.

Thank you for your words of encouragement.

Thank you for your gifts of support.

God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.  1 Peter 4:10 NLT

Radio Voz and UCB Timor-Leste are your ministry. By working together we can bring hope and encouragement to your family, friends and neighbors.

Albina, Ps Elienae, Hadassa, Rio, Ps Jose, Melinosa, Veronica, Emilita, Misella, Thelly, Andre

Click on Staff for more

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