How to help hurting people

‘Words from the mouth of the wise are gracious.’ Ecclesiastes 10:12 NIV Are you are easily hurt? Do you hurt other people without intending to? Three things cause that: (1) We speak out of our own hurt. German poet Hermann Hesse wrote: ‘If you hate a person, you hate...

Bagaimana Membantu Orang yang Terluka

‘Perkataan mulut orang berhikmat menarik.’ Pengkhotbah 10:12  Apakah Anda mudah terluka? Apakah Anda menyakiti orang lain tanpa niat? Tiga hal penyebabnya: (1) Kita berbicara dari rasa sakit kita sendiri. Penyair Jerman Hermann Hesse menulis: 'Jika Anda membenci...