Have You Been Betrayed?

‘My best friend, the one I trusted completely, the one who shared my food, has turned against me.’ Psalm 41:9 NLT Not only must we leave room for unexpected disappointments and unknown variables in life, we must realise that inevitably we’ll be betrayed and hurt by...

Apakah Anda Telah Dikhianati?

‘Bahkan sahabat karibku yang kupercayai, yang makan rotiku, telah mengangkat tumitnya terhadap aku.’ Maz 41:9  Kita tidak hanya harus meninggalkan ruang untuk kekecewaan yang tak terduga dan variabel yang tidak diketahui dalam hidup, kita harus menyadari bahwa mau...

Focus On The Solution Not The Problem

‘In quietness and confidence shall be your strength.’ Isaiah 30:15 NKJV As problems arise in your relationships, you’ll be forced to become a translator, negotiator, diplomat, and peacekeeper. And good communication skills are essential. Nothing is more frustrating...

Fokus Pada Solusi Bukan Masalah

‘Dalam tinggal tenang dan percaya terletak kekuatanmu.’ Yes 30:15  Saat masalah muncul dalam hubungan Anda, Anda akan dipaksa untuk menjadi penerjemah, negosiator, diplomat, dan penjaga perdamaian. Dan keterampilan komunikasi yang baik sangat penting. Tidak ada yang...

Be Flexible

‘Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.’ Philippians 2:4 NKJV When it comes to the truth, you should be unbending. But when it comes to relationships, you must learn to be flexible. If you always need to be in...