‘I always try to maintain a clear conscience before God and all people.’ Acts 24:16 NLT
It’s been said that our conscience was given to us after the fall of mankind in the Garden of Eden. In other words, we got to know the difference between good and evil through God–giving us a conscience. So we must not ignore its promptings, silence its voice, or allow it to become calloused [hard and insensitive], because it’s a built–in warning system that protects us from danger and harm. That means you shouldn’t be troubled when your conscience bothers you; you should be troubled when it doesn’t.
Here are 10 principles for keeping your conscience clear:
(1) Always pay attention to the inner nudging that makes you stop and question your decisions.
(2) Think of your conscience as a God–given filter that helps keep your heart pure.
(3) Examine your motives in all ‘giving’ situations.
(4) If you think you may have hurt someone’s feelings, ask for forgiveness.
(5) Invite God to examine your heart and show you changes that need to be made in your attitudes and actions.
(6) To the best of your ability, don’t knowingly get involved in compromising situations.
(7) Consider others first, and honour them with your words and actions.
(8) Remember that your conscience is your moral compass – it points towards what is right.
(9) Establish ethical guidelines in all your business dealings.
(10) When a thought leaves you feeling unsettled, take time to pray and talk about it with someone you trust.
The word for today is—always maintain a clear conscience before God.
Renungan Hari Ini [The Word for Today] is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©