Today's SoulFood Reading

for Friday, Oct 25

‘He is like a father to us, tender and sympathetic.’ Psalm 103:13 TLB

To see God as your loving Father may not come easily if you carry the scars of an abusive childhood. So many needs that went unmet in your childhood—affection, security, trust, comfort, nurture, and material requirements—can make it hard to believe that God will provide for your needs now. So what to do? Recognise that the father-image you are holding on to is flawed and in no way fits your heavenly Father. Even the best dad doesn’t come close to your heavenly Papa God.

God wants you to see Him as a caring, sensitive, generous, dependable Father. That’s why Jesus taught us to call Him ‘Our Father’, not just ‘Almighty God and Lord’. It’s also why He called God ‘your Father’ and not just ‘My Father’.

Like a good father, God has anticipated your every need and provided for it (see Matthew 6:25–34). Just as good parents understand the individual characteristics of their children, your heavenly Father knows your unique needs, thoughts, and feelings. ‘The Lord has mercy on those who respect Him… He knows how we were made.’ (Psalm 103:13–14 NCV) His care for you is tailor-made to fit your specific requirements and limitations.

Just as a good earthly father accepts and fulfils his responsibility to provide for his children, your Papa God holds Himself responsible for meeting your needs, and He wants you to act accordingly by trusting Him. In other words, your role is to act like the child of a trustworthy, generous, permanently loving Father.

SoulFood: Ezra 9–10, John 7:1–13, Ps 104:1–18, Pro 24:26–27

The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©

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