Today's SoulFood Reading

for Tuesday, Aug 27

‘Jacob wrestled with an angel.’ Hosea 12:4 CEV

Some of your toughest battles in life will be with God. That’s because there’s a ‘Jacob nature’ in each of us that resists the will of God, and wants to wrestle with Him. That nature has to be dealt with. The same God who asked Jacob, ‘What is your name?’ will ask you to identify yourself too. And until you’re willing to do an honest evaluation and answer truthfully, your life can’t change for the better. God had to break Jacob by dislocating his hip, the thing he depended on. Jacob got his blessing at the same time he got his limp. Ask yourself, ‘Do I really want the blessing of God on my life?’ Before you answer, stop and ask yourself these questions:

(1) Am I willing to let go of what I want if it’s not God’s will for me?

(2) Do I long for what others have instead of waiting for God’s provision for me?

(3) Do I keep talking about my rights because I haven’t fully surrendered to the Lord?

(4) Do I truly love others and think of them first?

(5) Am I practising the daily disciplines of prayer and Bible reading?

(6) Am I allowing God to handle my public relations instead of promoting myself?

(7) Am I expressing joy in the midst of adversity (trouble) and trusting God to reproduce the character of Jesus in me?

(8) Am I taking risks in obedience to Christ instead of giving in to fear and playing it safe? Not only will your answers to these questions determine your discipleship, your direction, and your destiny—they will also determine your level of blessing.

SoulFood: Ezek 10–13, Matt 21:18–32, Ps 84, Pro 19:11

The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©

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