COVID-19 information
God is faithful and can be trusted, no matter what happens.
Please pray for the situation – especially for God’s Wisdom and direction for the leaders of our nation and around the world.
1. Keep your focus on God: We each have a key role to play in encouraging, informing and looking after those around us.
2. Be wise. We each must take steps to protect ourselves and those around us. It is the simple things like properly washing our hands, and practicing social distancing that will make a huge difference.
3. Stay up to date. The latest news from the Government of Timor-Leste is available here
John 14:27 (Jesus speaking) “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid“
Hakotu Serka Sanitaria maibe nafatin mantein distansia
Dili – Governu liu husi Ministeiro ba Assuntus Parlamentaris no Komunikasaun Sosial inklui Ministeiro Saude halo sosialisaun ba komunidade iha Timor Leste tomak atu mantein nafatin distansiamentu no tuir nafatin protokolo covid 19 mesmu hakotu ona serka sanitaria iha Timor laran tomak.
Iha momentu hanesan mos liu husi ministeiro rua apelu ba comunidade Timor Leste tomak hodi hakat ba fatin imunizasaun hodi simu vasinsaun covid 19 iha centru saude no fatin vasina nia. Tamba simu vasina importante tebes hodi evita moras covid 19 no hodi aumenta imunidade isin nian.
Nudar sidadaun ida nebe ke diak no hakarak proteje nia an husi moras perigu ida nee tenke hakat ba hodi simu vasinasaun. Husi parte governu nian nafatin apela ba comunidade tomak hodi kumpri ajizensia ida nee.
A Prayer for Troubled Times
Need some encouragement today?
Read and meditate on these words and pray them to our Lord.
Let nothing disturb you
Let nothing frighten you
Those who cling to God will lack nothing
Let nothing disturb you
Let nothing frighten you
God alone is enough!
“Trust in The Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make you path straight.” Proverbs 3:56 NKJV
Radio Voz relata Imformasaun Covid 19 husi Centru Prevensaun no Mitigasaun Surti Covid 19 Iha loron 30 Marcu 2021.
Dr Rui Maria de Araújo, Kordenador Forsa-Tarefa ba Prevensaun no Mitigasaun Surtu Covid-19 iha Timor-Leste, (CIGC-SS)
Iha loron 30 fulan Marsu 2021, hodi Centro Integrado Gestão de Crises, Sala Situação (CIGC-SS) nia naran, hakarak hato’o ba, no ba públiku tomak, informasaun pur eskritu hanesan tuir mai:
Iha 30 de Marsu 2021, iha Munisipiu Dili iha kazu foun 50. Nune’e, kazu detetadu ka pozitivu iha Munisipiu Dili husi dia 7 de Marsu 2021, to’o ohin, 30 de Marsu de 2021, hamutuk hotu 415.
Iha kazu pozitivu ida iha Munisipiu Viqueque. Kazu ida ne’e, kontaktu-besik husi kuzu iha cluster ezistente. Ho nune’e, kazu detetadu iha Munsiipiu Viqueque hamutuk hotu 11.
1️⃣Kazu foun ohin: 51
2️⃣Kazu rekuperadu: 11
3️⃣Total kazu ativu: 382
4️⃣Husi horiseik mai ohin hamutuk hotu LNS halo 939 testes PCR, inklui ona iha laran 176, ne’ebé mai husi pedidu autorizasaun esepsionál atu sai husi serka sanitária iha Munisipiu Dili.
5️⃣Total pedidu autorizasaun esepsionál atu sai husi & tama mai serka sanitaria iha Munisipiu Dili, horiseik dia 29 de Marsu, hamutuk hotu 129. Sekretariadu CIGC responde hotu kedas, maibé 13 pedidus la prienxe kriteriu tuir Resolusaun Governu.
✅TABELA EVOLUSAUN SURTU COVID 19 IHA TIMOR-LESTE, HAHÚ 22 FEVEREIRU 2021 (Tuir klasifikasaun transmissaun OMS nian)
➡️Munisipiu Dili Totál Komulativu Kazu: 415, Kazu Foun iha oras 24 ikus: 50, Klasifikasaun Transmisaun: KAZU IHA CLUSTER
➡️Munisipiu Baucau Totál Komulativu Kazu: 26, Kazu Foun iha oras 24 ikus: 0, Klasifikasaun Transmisaun: KAZU IHA CLUSTER
➡️Munispiu Covalima Totál Komulativu Kazu: 19, Kazu Foun iha oras 24 ikus: 0, Klasifikasaun Transmisaun: KAZU IHA CLUSTER
➡️Munisipiu Viqueque Totál Komulativu Kazu: 11, Kazu Foun iha oras 24 ikus: 1, Klasifikasaun Transmisaun: KAZU IHA CLUSTER
➡️Munisipiu Lautem Totál Komulativu Kazu: 1, Kazu Foun iha oras 24 ikus: 0, Klasifikasaun Transmisaun: KAZU ESPORÁDIKU
➡️RAEOA Totál Komulativu Kazu: 1, Kazu Foun iha oras 24 ikus: 0, Klasifikasaun Transmisaun: KAZU ESPORÁDIKU
➡️Munisipiu sira seluk Totál Komulativu Kazu: 0, Kazu Foun iha oras 24 ikus: 0, Klasifikasaun Transmisaun: LAIHA KAZU
1️⃣Apela ba komunidade iha fatin ne’ebé maluk sira rekuperadu sira hela bá, favor labele tauk, tamba sira ne’ebé sai husi fatin izolamentu, ekipa saúde sira sertifika ona katak sira la iha ona risku atu hada’et-tutan virus ba ema seluk.
2️⃣Apela ba populasaun Timor-Leste tomak, liu-liu iha Munisipiu Dili, Baucau ho Viqueque atu nafatin hakmatek, lalika sé tilun ba lia-anin ka rumores, pratíka nafatin medida sira ne’ebé ita hotu hatene ona:
▶️Uza máskara
▶️Fase liman beibeik ho sabaun ka dezinfetante ruma
▶️Evita kose liman ba matan, inus ho ibun
▶️Wainhira kumprimenta malu, lapresiza ka’er liman, bensa-liman, rei-malu ka haku’ak malu
▶️Evita halibur malu barak
▶️Hamriik ka tur dook husi ema seluk, mínimu metru ida ho balun.
Radio Voz relata husi #MédiaPaláciodasCinzas
Estudu hosi Fiocruz hetan Coronarivus iha bee valeta nian
Fundasaun Oswalso Cruz (Fiocruz) foo sai katak sira nia estudu ida hetan Coronavirus iha bee valeta nian (esgoto), iha sidadi Niterói, Rio de Janeiro. Maibee, sientista sira dehan katak sira seidauk hatene se bee esgoto nian bele ka lae hadaet coronavirus. Posibilidade ladun boot, tanba virus la bele moris tempu naruk iha valeta laran.
Sientista sira hatene ona katak coronavirus bele mai iha ema moras nia fezes (bee boot), maibee seidauk hatene ho klaru too iha nebee mak virus bele hadaet iha ambiente hanesan nee.
Ho informasaun hosi
AC kontribui ba hadaet coronavírus
Investigador sira estuda kazu ida nebee akontese iha sidadi Guangzhou, iha restauranti ida, iha nebee ema ida nebee infetadu ona ho coronavírus maibee asintomátiku (katak la hatudu sintoma), hadaet vírus ba ema nain 9 tan.
Hosi ema nain 90 nebee iha restautante laran, sira nebee hetan infetadu mak sira nebee tuur iha diresaun AC nia anin. Tuir dezenhu iha leten, nebee investigador sira rasik halo, ita haree katak ema nebee infetadu (A1) tuur mais ou menos iha klaran, iha meza A, no sira nebee hetan infetadu iha nebaa mak sira nebee tuur iha mesa B no C. Maski sira balun tuur dook liu metru ida ka rua, sira hetan infetadu. Maibe meza tolu hotu nee iha diresaun AC nia anin. Tuir investigador sira, bainhira ema nebee iha vírus ona, nia koalia, nia hasai husi ibun gotíkulas bee nian nebee lori vírus. Bainhira gotíkulas nee boot uituan, sira todan no monu ba rai la kleur no la dook liu metru ida hosi ema moras. Maibee, bainhira gotíkulas bee nian nee kiik, sira hela tempu barak iha ar. No anin AC nian bele ajuda gotíkulas sira semu dook baa-mai, hodi espalha vírus ba ema sira nebee tuur iha diresaun AC nia anin.
Iha restauranti nee, sira nain 81 nebee la hetan infetadu, mak sira nebee tuur dook liu no sees hosi AC nia anin.
Nee duni, restauranti nain sira no kantor sira tenki hanoin didiak oinsá mak sira sei instala AC ka sistema ventilasaun nian iha sira nia fatin.
Estudu nee sei publika iha periódico Emerging Infectious Diseases, nebee hola parte ba Center for Disease Control of the EUA).
Ho informasaun hosi
Em 90 pessoas, só nove apanharam Covid-19: Como se pode espalhar o vírus dentro de um restaurante?
Iha Italia, estudu ida hatudu katak novel coronavirus bele mos hadaet liu hosi matan been
Peskiza ida nebee publika iha revista Annals of Medicine, nebee halo hosi peskizador sira hosi Instituto Nacional de Doenças Infecciosas Spallanzani, iha Roma, revela katak coronavirus foun bele mos hadaet liu hosi matan been. Nee siginifika katak virus la tama deit liu hosi matan, maibee bele sai mos hosi matan. Tanba ema sira nebee infektadu ona sempri tanis, nia matan been sira sai mai nakonu ho virus no bele infekta ema seluk, liu-liu profisional saude sira nebee tau matan ba sira. Tenki iha kuidadu liu tan.
Ho informasaun hosi
Coronavirus Foun: Profisional saude sira hasoru risku liu
Maski profisional saude sira uza ekipamentu protesaun oin-oin, sira hasoru risku liu, no banhira sira sai infektadu, dala darak sira dezenvolve sintoma grave. Tanba saa ida nee akontese?
Tuir especialista sira, razaun ba ida nee mak tanba profisional saude sira expoe sira nia aan ba kuantidade boot virus nian. Bainhira virus aumenta barak liu iha ema nia isin, moras mos sai grave liu, no iha kapasidade boot liu tan hodi hadaet ba ema seluk. Esplikasaun ida nee mai hosi profesora Wendy Barclay, hosi Departamento de Doenças Infecciosas do Imperial College de Londres. Tanba profisional saude sira sempre kontatu ho ema nebee moras grave ona, entaun sira hasoru risku boot liu. Tuir OMS (WHO) nia estudu, ema ida bele hadaet moras Covid-19 ba ema nain 3 tan, maibee iha sidadi Wuhan, iha China, pasienti ida iha hospital hadaet coronavirus foun ba profisional saude nain 14 tan, molok nia senti isin manas. Tuir profesora Barclay, maski ema ida bele iha isin diak, ninia sistema imunológiko sei susaar tebes atu luta hasoru vírus bainhira vírus sai barak liu ona iha ninia isin.
Iha Itália, too iha inísiu fulan abril, profisional saude nain 6,200 sai infektadu, hosi total ema nain rihun 100 resin nebee hetan positivu ba Covid-19. Iha Espanha, hosi total ema sira nebee hetan moras Covid-19, 12% mak profisional saude sira, tuir levantamentu too iha inisiu fulan Abril. Iha Reinu Unidu, tuir autoridade lokal ida, iha hospital iha área balun nebee ekipa profisional saude liu 50% hetan infektadu. Se la iha kuidadu didiak, ita nia mediku no enfermeiru sira bele hasoru susar boot. No ita tenki kontrole didiak atu hospital sira labele sai fatin nebee sei espalha moras Covid-19 ba nasaun.
Ho informasaun hosi BBC News Brasil
OMS: Haluha ona liafuan “distansia sosial”
Buat nebee ita hotu tenki halo tuir iha tempu agora hanesan: hela iha uma, keta halibur malu ema barak, tenki dook malu metru ka rua – nebee too agora ita hotu hanaran “distansia sosial”, Organizasaun Mundial da Saúde (OMS) husu ita labele bolu tan “distansia sosial”, maibee “distansia fizika”.
Tanba saa? Tanba liafuan “distansia sosial” indika katak ita tenki lakon koneksaun ho ema nebee ita hadomi. Loloos, maski ita bele dook malu, ita labele lakon koneksaun ho ema nebee importanti ba ita, tanba nee bele afeta fali ita nia saude mental, hanesan akontese dadaun ho ema barak ona.
OMS hatoo ida nee ida iha konferensia imprensa iha loron 20 Marsu. Doutora Maria Van Kerkhove, nebee servisu ba OMS, dehan katak “maski importanti ita mantém nafatin distansia fízika, ita mos tenki mantem nafatin koneksaun sosial”. Nia dehan tan: “la bandu atu ita hamnasa, la bandu atu ita koalia ho ita nia familia no buka dalan atu konekta ba malu”
Espesialista sira hatete katak kontatu sosial importanti tebes ba saude mental. Bainhira ita la iha ligasaun ba malu, bele aumenta ansiedade, senti mesak, tauk no laran moruk, nebee bele lori sosiedade ba problema seluk fali: moras mental.
Nee duni, mantém nafatin distansia fizika, maibee buka dalan hodi konekta ba malu.
Ho informsaun hosi CNN.COM
The new way we do ‘Church’
The current global pandemic has greatly affected the way churches are gathering all over the world. In Timor Leste the situation is no different with many churches turning to social media to connect with their members.
But in our country, where our people have no or very limited access to internet, even social media has its limitations.
Because our supporters have stood with Radio Voz over the years, right now we are seeing the station becoming an even more helpful tool to serve the churches in Timor Leste.
So far four churches have asked Radio Voz help to gather their congregation on air to celebrate their Sunday services. Some churches have been able to combine both social media and radio for an even wider reach. It is for us a privilege to be able to provide this support to the people of God in Timor Leste. And we couldn’t do it without your prayerful support.
In addition, at 6:00am each day Radio Voz has the privilege of leading our nation in prayer with pastors’ praying on air for the nation and for our authorities in charge in this difficult time.
We are seeing the Lord working wonderfully even in the midst of this global crises and we invite you to join us in prayer or for the Sunday service. If you’d like prayer please let us know.
God bless
Pastor Elienae
Praying for Our Leaders
Different countries have handled the COVID-19 pandemic in different ways. Some because of a slow response, have suffered terribly. Others have gone for early and complete lockdowns. And yet others have gone for something of a middle ground, with progressive shutdowns. And no matter which approach they’ve adopted, there’s always someone to criticise and complain.
The easiest thing in the world is to be an armchair critic. I’ve seen post on Facebook calling my Prime Minister all sorts of names. That’s sad, that’s really sad because in these times of national and international emergency, I’m pretty sure that there’s not a single leader or government who aren’t trying to do their very best for their people.
These are unchartered waters so we can be pretty certain that our leaders won’t get it all right, all the time. But come on, they are doing their very best.
I wonder whether there isn’t something better, something positive that we can do for our leaders. Writes the Apostle Paul to his young protégé:
1 Timothy 2:2,3 You should pray for rulers and for all who have authority. Pray for these leaders so that we can live quiet and peaceful lives—lives full of devotion to God and respect for him. This is good and pleases God our Saviour.
Prayer rather than criticism and complaining. Not only does your prayer have powerful results, not only is it good … but it’s pleasing to God. How about it?
From our Government:
See and/or download the informative pamphlets, available in Tetum, Portuguese and English, through the following links:
How to wash and disinfect hands?
Reduce the risk of Coronavirus Infection
More information is available from the Australian government’s website: