‘Hau rasik hakarak sai no baa hela hamutuk ho Kristu.’ Filipe 1: 23 Iha ninia Analogies of Nature, William Jennings Bryan hakerek: Kristu fó prova kona-ba moris-hias, maibé la iha ema ida-ne’ebé presiza moris-hias atu fiar katak rate la’ós nia rohan. Se...

When You Die! (3)

‘I desire to depart and be with Christ.’ Philippians 1:23 NIV In his Analogies of Nature, William Jennings Bryan wrote: ‘Christ gave us proof of immortality, and yet it would hardly seem necessary that one should rise from the dead to convince us that the grave is not...


‘Tanba ita hatene katak se ita nia tenda nebee ita nia uma iha mundu nee mak lakon, ita sei iha uma hosi Maromak nebee la halo ho ema nia liman. Uma nee iha lalehan no hela too rohan laek.’ 2 Korinto 5: 1 Bainhira ita mate, ita husik de’it moris ida no tama fali...

When You Die! (2)

‘When we die and leave this earthly body, we will have a house in Heaven.’ 2 Corinthians 5:1 NLT When you die, you simply leave one form of life and enter another. Consider the first law of thermodynamics: neither energy (as in your soul and spirit) nor matter (as in...


‘Se ema ida mate, sira sei moris fali ka lae? Job 14: 14 Depois tinan 616, misionáriu Primeiru mai iha Liurai Edwin nia palacio iha Northumbria, rai-Inglaterra. Iha ninia aula boot, sira hato’o Evanjellu ne’e ho Naroman husi lampu barak. Liurai rona,...