‘Maibe laiha fiar impossivel ema halo haksolok Maromak.’ Ebreu 11: 6 Ema ateis sira dehan: “maromak” ida-neebe mak ita ko’alia hela: Thor, zeus, nsst? Resposta ba pergunta  ne’e mak maromak falsu sira, nune’e mós ho o nia maromak falsu....

Answering the big questions (5)

‘Without faith it is impossible to please God.’ Hebrews 11:6 NIV Some sceptics like to say, ‘Which “god” are you talking about: Thor, Zeus, etc.?’ The inference in this question is, ‘These were mythical gods, and so is yours.’ Atheists are correct about these gods...


‘Nia mak Maromak ne’ebe fó hahi’i ba nafatin! Amén.’ Roma 9: 5 Ema balu hatete katak Jesus Kristu nunka iha. Ray Comfort hakerek: ‘Maski ema ne’ebe ladun iha fiar hili liu atu rejeita Biblia nia mensajen kona-ba morál, maibé sira la bele nega ninia istória...

Answering the big questions (4)

‘Messiah, who is God over all, forever praised! Amen.’ Romans 9:5 NIV Some people say that Jesus Christ never existed. Ray Comfort writes: ‘While sceptics may choose to reject the Bible’s moral message, they cannot deny its historical accuracy. Over 25,000...

Answering the big questions (3)

‘All Scripture is given by inspiration of God.’ 2 Timothy 3:16 NKJV How can we trust the Bible when human beings wrote it? Answer: Do you write the letter or does the pen? The pen is merely the instrument you use. In the same way, God used men as instruments to write...