‘Nia laran metin ba aban bain-bainrua’.Ebreu 11:26 Terseiru: ita tenki determina ita nia prioridade. ‘Iha tenpu nebaa ema hatete aat nia tanba nia laran metin ba Kristu, Ema nebee Nai Maromak promete ona hori uluk atu haruka mai. Maibee Moises konsidera terus ida nee...

Learning from Moses (3)

‘He was looking ahead to his reward.’ Hebrews 11:26 NIV Third: you must determine your priorities. ‘He regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt, because he was looking ahead to his reward.’ Much of the world’s wealth...


‘Nia hili terus hamutuk ho Maromak nia povu’. Ebreu 11:25 Segundu: Ita tenki foti responsabilidade ba ita nia moris. ‘Moises fiar ba Nai Maromak. Nee mak bainhira nia boot ona, nia lakohi atu ema konsidera nia hanesan liurai Ejitu nia bei-oan, maski liurai nia oan...

Learning from Moses (2)

‘He chose to be mistreated along with the people of God.’ Hebrews 11:25 NIV Second: you must take responsibility for your life. ‘Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be known as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter. He chose to be mistreated along with the people of God...


‘Moises lakohi ema konsidera nia hanesan liurai Ejitu nia bei-oan, maski liurai nia oan feto mak hakiak nia desde kiik’. Ebreu 11:24 Moises nia moris hatudu sai pontu haat nebee ita tenki kaer metin atu nunee bele susesu iha ita nia moris. Primeiru: ita tenki hatene...