Don’t Be Afraid

Let’s be honest. This whole Corona virus thing has a lot of people rattled. The world’s in panic mode. So, deep down inside, how are you handling it? When all you hear in the news is how bad things are … stock markets crashing, retirement savings evaporating,...

Estado de Emergencia iha Timor Leste

Hahu loron sabado loron 27 Marcu 2020 ita nia ukun nain sira hatun decretu hodi estabelese Estadu de Emergengia ba Timor laran tomak hahu loron 27 de marcu too loron 26 Abril 2020. Estadu Emergengia nee nia objetivo atu prevene katak moras COVID 19 hadaet ba...

Anunsiu Publiku hosi Ministeriu Saude

Dadaun ne’e iha ona pandemia moras Virus Corona (Covid-19) iha mundu, Timor-Leste iha mós kazu ida ne’ebé ofisialmente konfirmadu ona. Tan ne’e, husu ba ita hotu atu proteje nafatin ita-nia an, lta-nia familia no lta-nia komunidade hodi reduz risku...

Prevention of Coronavirus spread

Mon. 09 of March of 2020, 16:40h On January 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the coronavirus epidemic (COVID19) as an international health emergency. The coronavirus originated in Wuhan city, Hubei province, central China. The WHO has so far (as by...