by Henry Peterson | 5 Sep, 2022 | Events
Understanding the Times Bringing Biblical Clarity in Confusing Times Radio Voz have partnered with Vision Christian Media to bring to you Dr Kameel Majdali, with his annual ‘Understanding the Times’ event in 2022 Complete your details below to access the... by Melly | 5 Sep, 2022 | TWFT-Tetun
‘Agrikultor sira neebe hein ba klima neebe perfeitu nia sei la kuda.’ Eklesiastes 11:4 Autor Betty Mahalik hatete iha era ida agora mensagen nebee ladiak haleu hela ita, ‘Hau nia moris sei sai perfeitu se karik hau iha servisu neebe diferente… uma…... by Bob Gass | 5 Sep, 2022 | The Word for Today
‘Farmers who wait for perfect weather never plant.’ Ecclesiastes 11:4 NLT Author Betty Mahalik says in this day and age we’re surrounded by messages that scream, ‘My life would be perfect if only I’d a different job… house… car… nose… spouse… bank account (you fill in... by Bob Gass | 5 Sep, 2022 | Renungan Hari Ini
‘Siapa senantiasa memperhatikan angin tidak akan menabur.’ Pengkhotbah 11:4 Penulis Betty Mahalik mengatakan di zaman sekarang ini kita dikelilingi oleh pesan-pesan yang berteriak, ‘Hidup saya akan sempurna jika saja saya memiliki pekerjaan yang berbeda… rumah…...